An Exhibition - update!

Hi Everyone,

As discussed in my last post, I hadn't actually made it to the exhibition at XYZ gallery to see the finished product.

Thankfully, that's changed, and I must say, I was really happy to see both my own photos hung on the walls, alongside those of Garrie's own images, and some his extremely interesting collection, as well as Jonny Tanoto's Chinese station series.

Garrie's collection of 1950s British steam was much larger than I expected, aside from the collection on display on the walls, theres's three albums of UK steam - potentially every single member of the Great Western Railway King class is in there!

It was fantastic seeing the two iconic Sebastião Salagdo & Stephen Dupont images on paper, as opposed to on computer screen!

There's only two weeks of the exhibition left to run, from 1pm to 5pm Thursday through to Sunday to 25 June.

I'll be in the gallery on Sunday afternoon if you want to drop in and say hello - let me know in the comments if you're likely to drop in, and I'll make sure there's a glass of Champagne waiting for you!

A Vline Vlocity train approaching Cherry Swamp Road Little River in late afternoon sunlight which is shining on the rails

Cherry Swamp road, Little River


Three in one day


An Exhibition!